Land of Chel

Welcome to the Land of Chel – brand new home for the podcasts and other projects of Hazel and Therin Stapp. Until now, you probably have known us as the Orc Zone! But – we have decided to rebrand! If you want more details about the decision, you can read all about that, here!

Please note that during the pandemic, nothing is being released on a proper schedule. Thank you for your infinite patience!

Projects in Chel

Shows we’re making right now:

Shows that are finished or on a hiatus:

Our vibe

We generally write fantasy, and try to approach traditional tropes from a different perspective. We are queer creators dedicated to representing queer characters and points of view. Our shows spend a lot of time in the calm, domestic moments that make life worthwhile, even though it can be traumatic.

Work with us

If you want to release your podcast on the Land of Chel, check out our shows and then email us with a pitch.

Chel Wiki

Most of the fiction that we produce is set on a fictional planet called Chel, and this Wiki is our latest project designed to track that lore. You’ll find that in the sidebar! It’s very much a work in progress.